


Zoos, Conservation, and the El Paso Zoological Society

El Paso Zoological Society

When it comes to environmentalism and conservation, zoos play a surprisingly vital role! Most zoos go far beyond putting fun and curious animals on display. Behind the scenes, most modern zoos participate in critical conservation efforts and provide education and resources to do the job properly. That is one of the reasons why I value the El Paso Zoological Society so much! 

The Role of Zoos in Conservation

Zoos have come a long way from their origins as places for pure entertainment, exotic animals, or for the satisfaction of wealthy owners. Although recreation is still an essential aspect of zoos, they’re now centers for research, education, and conservation! The El Paso Zoo Society supports critical projects and initiatives related to conservation and saving animals from extinction.  

Beyond caring for animals in captivity, zoos are helping the conservation efforts in the wild! Zoos participate in three valuable aspects of conservation: practice, advocacy, and research. 

Conservation efforts can include anything from captive breeding programs and rehabilitating animals so they can return to the wild to developing species survival plans. 

Advocacy can take many forms at zoos as well, but they’re especially great at educating the public about conservation and stewarding our planet well.

Zoos are also the backbone of many vital conservation research efforts around wildlife biology, population dynamics, animal behavior, health, care, and other critical topics. In fact, scientific research is a trademark of the modern zoo and aquarium. Growing our understanding in these areas leads to robust and more effective conservation projects.  

AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums are keys to conservation research

Zoos and aquariums that receive accreditation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums focus on saving species on the brink of extinction or ensuring that other species don’t reach endangered or precarious states. They’re working hard to protect wildlife and wild habitat. 

Researchers, zoologists, and other experts study animals in captivity to learn how to better protect and care for their wild counterparts. Many AZA-accredited zoos also participate in carefully monitored breeding programs to ensure the health, vitality, and longevity of species in the wild and in captivity. 

Zoos and aquariums fund conservation efforts worldwide

The job of conservation and preservation depends on the efforts of many organizations and individuals. Zoos play a critical role in funding conservation efforts by providing finances, resources, and staff. Many AZA-accredited zoos have conservation grants that fund projects around the world. 

Zoos can also provide the necessary equipment, researchers, and other practical resources. Even the zoo staff can play a vital role in conservation projects because they have valuable knowledge about animal husbandry, veterinary care, population management, and scientific research.

The El Paso Zoological Society’s Conservation Efforts

The El Paso Zoological Society is an AZA-accredited zoo that participates in the Save Animals from Extinction (SAFE) program. It focuses time, energy, and resources locally, nationally, and internationally to protect and preserve species. 

Key animal conservation projects at the El Paso Zoological Society

Here are some of the current partnerships and conservation efforts that the El Paso Zoological Society is proud to support!

Lion Guardians: This conservation organization in Kenya is committed to finding and implementing long-term solutions for people and lions to coexist peacefully. It relies on indigenous culture and local traditional knowledge from the Massai people in current conservation efforts. After all, the people who shared the land with lions for many generations are in the best position to protect them!

Asian Elephant Squad: The El Paso Zoological Society partners with this program in Sumatra to fund a unique program to prevent wild elephants from encroaching on farmlands and villages. This Asian Elephant Squad relies on ‘mahouts’ to train domesticated elephants to patrol the border areas and redirect wild elephants from residential areas. This prevents human-elephant interactions and protects the lives of the endangered Asian Elephants. 

Turner Endangered Species Fund: This vital program is dedicated to conserving biodiversity by ensuring endangered species’ persistence and habitats. Whether it’s the Mexican wolf, Desert Bighorn sheep, or Monarch butterfly, the Turner Endangered Species Fund seeks to protect endangered species with as little human intervention as possible. 

Texas Parks and Wildlife: National, state, and local parks are vital to the biodiversity and conservation projects, too. The El Paso Zoological Society partners with the Texas Parks and Wildlife department to help fund and maintain cameras for monitoring wildlife at the Franklin Mountains State Park. 

The Zoo Volunteer Program at the El Paso Zoo

The Zoological Society participates in the educational side of conservation by managing the volunteer program at the El Paso Zoo. Members of the Zoological Society recruit volunteers, run orientation and training programs, and help provide supplies, professional development, and other vital parts of a successful volunteer program. Currently, the Zoological Society supports 50 active volunteers at the zoo. They are valuable ambassadors for the El Paso Zoo and all the conservation efforts. 

The Zoological Society funds essential capital improvements

The El Paso Zoological Society has a Capital Improvements committee that works directly with the El Paso Zoo. Together they fund the needs of the zoo and keep essential conservation efforts going. 

Recently, the Capital Improvements committee funded projects to provide digital x-ray equipment for the veterinary clinic. They also supported the McKee Giraffe Shade Structure with a viewing hut for zoo visitors. 

The capital campaign efforts aren’t limited to specific zoo needs. The committee also helped fund the Hunt Family Splash Pad and the Foster Tree House Playground. These are vital spaces for education, fun, learning, and raising a new generation of kids who understand the value of conservation. 

The El Paso Zoological Society helps fund zoo operation costs

The Zoological Society helps the El Paso Zoo with essential day-to-day operational expenses. These include everything from marketing and education programs to facility maintenance and employee professional development. 

Healthy zoos are a vital piece of the conservation puzzle. The El Paso Zoological Society is doing its part at home in Texas and worldwide. I’m so proud and honored to be a part of this vibrant and essential organization.

No matter where you live, there’s likely a zoological society or conservation group that will be eager to have you join the team. I’d like to offer a challenge to you to take ten minutes to research local conservation programs in your area. Knowing about the groups working to protect the environment and species in your own neighborhood is an essential step toward protecting our planet! 


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