

World Wildlife Day 2023: How to Celebrate!


World Wildlife Day is the United Nations International day to celebrate and honor the diversity and beauty of all the plants and animals that make our planet unique, beautiful, and healthy.

World Wildlife Day is more than just a note on a calendar. It’s a movement, a statement of intent, and an invitation to honor and preserve our beautiful, diverse planet. Let’s take a moment to explore the history of World Wildlife Day and some ideas on how to celebrate!

A Brief History of World Wildlife Day

World Wildlife Day was established by the United Nations on December 20, 2013. Each year, people worldwide celebrate World Wildlife Day on March 3, also the birthday of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), signed on March 3, 1973. 

The United Nations recognized the importance of celebrating and raising awareness about wild animals and plants all over the world. Each of us relies on wildlife and biodiversity-based resources for all kinds of needs, from fuel and medicine to housing and clothing. Nature and natural beauty are also critical for our mental health. 

The UN recognized all these needs and wanted a day to celebrate the wildlife we depend on and remind us to cherish and protect it. So, World Wildlife Day was born! 

Why is World Wildlife Day important?

World Wildlife Day is the most important global annual event dedicated exclusively to wildlife. It is a time to celebrate wildlife, raise awareness about problems threatening nature, and commemorate the CITES agreement. 

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an international agreement that regulates the trade of plants and animals–especially endangered ones. It is meant to protect species from being over-exploited. 

Today, scientists estimate that about 5,800 species of animals and 30,000 species of plants are protected by CITES, preventing them from exploitation and extinction. But there is still more work to be done if we want to protect our valuable wildlife.

Our diverse planet faces many dangers and threats, especially as the devastating impacts of climate change worsen, bringing everything from heatwaves and dangerous storms to floods and droughts. 

In 2020, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) reported that up to one million species could go extinct–disappear from our planet–in the coming decades if things like habitat destruction, climate change, and unsustainable human activity do not change. 

World Wildlife Day is a critical day to commemorate important decisions that help protect our natural world and to remind us to continue the work–we still have so much to do!

How To Celebrate World Wildlife Day 2023

This year is a very special World Wildlife Day! We mark the 50th anniversary of the CITES agreement, which has protected thousands of plants and animals. 

The theme for 2023 is “Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation.” The vision of this theme is to highlight our need to work together in partnership to protect our diverse planet. Partnership and collaboration are the only way to reverse the impacts of unsustainable human activity and climate change so we can preserve natural habitats and life for all. 

Here are some practical ways we can celebrate World Wildlife Day:

Learn about plants and animals

One of the best places to start is to learn. Knowledge helps us grow in understanding, compassion, and passion. Whether you watch a documentary, read a book, or subscribe to a magazine or blog, take some time to learn on World Wildlife Day. 

Some excellent documentaries to consider watching this World Wildlife Day are:

The Hunt

The Ivory Game

Blue Planet 2


The Last Glaciers

If you don’t have access to streaming services, many local libraries have an excellent selection of nature documentaries. 

Another excellent way to celebrate World Wildlife Day is to choose a book to read and learn about wildlife and our planet. This website put together a selection of book suggestions for World Wildlife Day.

Participate in a World Wildlife Day event

The World Wildlife Day organization has a list of events worldwide. Look for an in-person or virtual event to participate in on March 3. There are all kinds of options, from seminars to walks!

The Events page on the World Wildlife Day website is an excellent resource for locating celebrations and events near you. 

Partner with an environmental organization

Make plans to live out the “Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation” theme throughout 2023 by finding a conservation organization to partner with. 

My favorite organizations are Trees for the Future, El Paso Zoological Society and San Antonio Zoo. Read about a few organizations that interest you and find one to partner with! Just taking the time to learn about the work people are doing to preserve our planet is a valuable effort. 
World Wildlife Day is a critical moment to pause each year and celebrate the incredible biodiversity on earth. I invite you to celebrate with me on March 3 and post a comment on my Facebook page to tell me how you’re celebrating!


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