

Community Work

Eco Garden

Eco Garden

The Eco Gardens located in the Africa section of the El Paso Zoo are an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself into the sustainability and conservation concept we promote at the Zoo. These gardens were first developed in Africa and are also known as keyhole gardens.

Sponsored by the Junior League, the Zoo’s Eco Gardens feature six keyhole gardens. Keyhole planters are built in the shape of a circle and stand about waist-high. They are notched like a pie with a slice cut away. The ecogardens have a central composting bin where food waste is discarded which then turns into nutrient rich fertilizer for the herbs and veggies that are grown.
Crops raised in the Eco Garden are provided to the animals at the Zoo as part of their enrichment program. Animal enrichment is provided to animals to provide mental and physical stimulation in their daily lives. We grow a diversity of herbs and veggies, such as tomatoes, mint, eggplant, hibiscus flowers and much more.

These special African-style gardens are perfect for dry conditions with poor soil because the compost enriches the soil, while the structure and style of these keyhole gardens use significantly less water than traditional gardening methods.

The gardens use a drip irrigation system and require significantly less water than a conventional garden. Be sure to stop by these beautiful ecogardens on your next visit to the El Paso Zoo!

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