


8 Easy Changes Anyone Can Make For Environmental Sustainability

8 Easy Changes Anyone Can Make For Environmental Sustainability

The thought of living an eco-friendly life can sometimes feel a bit daunting or overwhelming. Where do you start? How do you make changes that are actually sustainable? 

Studies, research, and technology teach us that even small actions toward keeping the environment healthy can add up and make a big difference over time! There are so many small things that can collectively make a difference. Even an imperfect effort is better than no effort at all. We’re all learning, practicing, and growing together, so the goal is learning and progress, not perfection! 

That’s why I decided to make a list of small change ideas that will help us show compassion for the planet and ALL its inhabitants. Hopefully, even my most reluctant or skeptical readers will find something on this list that they can adopt with little effort. 

8 Tips For Environmental Sustainability

1. Switch to reusable water bottles and coffee cups

It’s easy to forget or overlook how much waste builds up with that daily coffee run or multiple bottles of water you’re drinking to stay hydrated (which is also essential). Even with recyclable cups and bottles, it’s not ideal to create waste that needs to be processed. Plus, there are not always recycling options wherever we go. 

Switching to reusable water bottles and coffee cups allows us to stay hydrated (and caffeinated) while reducing our waste! Make it fun by purchasing cups or bottles that inspire you or reflect your unique personality. Don’t forget to stash one at work and in the car to ensure you always have a bottle or mug at the ready!

2. Avoid single-use plastics

You might be surprised just how many single-use plastic items we consume regularly. From the plastic utensils and straws that come with our takeout food to the plastic bags that we put our produce in at the grocery store, we can make loads of little changes to avoid single-use plastics!

Final Straw makes skipping the disposable straws and utensils a breeze! Tuck a reusable FinalStraw and FinalSpork into your bag or stash them in your car so you’re never caught without a reusable solution the next time you want to grab a latte or quick bite to eat. 

Bring your own reusable grocery bags to the market and avoid taking paper or plastic grocery bags. These handy reusable produce bags are great for avoiding those plastic produce bags!

Bathroom and cleaning products are another sneaky place where single-use plastics are abundant! An easy way to reduce plastic waste is to purchase toilet paper wrapped in paper instead of plastic and clean with washable rags where possible rather than using disposable products. 

Tampons and other feminine products often include plastic applicators and wrappers. Consider exploring alternative products like the Reusable Disc, the Flex Cup, or even the Plant+ Disc from Flex. Though some of their products have plastic wrapping and are made with plastic, they’re designed to significantly reduce the number of items you dispose of during a monthly cycle. Diva Cup is another brand shaking up the period product options and making it easier to “go green.” 

Kiwi Eco Shop has loads of other zero-waste products for the bathroom! From Bamboo sanitary menstrual pads to reusable makeup remover rounds, this company has all kinds of clever products that will help you reduce your waste in an enjoyable and sustainable way!

Consider ditching the disposable plastic toothbrushes in favor of a more sustainable bamboo toothbrush! The Kiwi Eco Shop has a great sustainable dental hygiene kit for all your eco-friendly needs!

Another simple way to cut back on bathroom plastic waste is to purchase bars of soap rather than liquids that come in plastic containers. Or opt for the refillable soap dispensers! A great source for eco-friendly hand soaps, home cleaners, and dish and laundry soaps is BlueLand! From foaming soap tablets to powdered dish soaps, these are low-waste options to keep your home and hands clean. 

3. Reduce your water consumption

Swap out your showerheads for low-flow options. You won’t notice a difference in the quality of your shower, and your water bill will thank you! 

Another easy way to reduce your water consumption is to avoid letting the faucet run while brushing your teeth, doing dishes, or other daily activities. Or save leftover drinking water to water your plants rather than pouring it out. 

It can also be beneficial to regularly check your faucets, toilets, and other systems to catch any leaks, running toilets, and other wasteful (and potentially damaging) problems. 

4. Plant trees and native plants in your community

In many ways, trees act as a filtration system for the air. Trees help remove carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen as they mature. Additionally, trees provide valuable shade that can help keep your home and communities cooler. 

Planting native trees in your yard and supporting organizations that plant trees in your community is an easy way to invest in climate conservation in your own neighborhood. 

Additionally, consider planting native plants in your yard and gardens this year. Native plants are those that grow naturally in a region. They’re essential for insects, birds, and other local species to thrive. 

Landscape choices significantly affect bird and insect populations, and making a small change to your landscaping can dramatically impact the local ecological systems!

Another strategy is to support organizations that are revitalizing valuable forest and rainforest areas around the world! Consider supporting trusted organizations like Treesh for the Future that are cultivating sustainable farming and land-use practices in some of the most environmentally threatened areas of the world. 

5. Reduce food waste

Food waste is a bigger problem than most of us realize (or care to admit). Billions of tons of food are discarded or wasted for various reasons each year. With the rising food prices, reducing food waste will help save the planet, and it can also help save you money! 

Consider making minor changes to your shopping habits this year to reduce (or eliminate) food waste. 

Make a point to use up all the food you purchased before buying more groceries. One strategy to accomplish this is creating a menu for the week and shopping with specific recipes and dishes in mind. Make a list of items you need to purchase and stick to the list. This will also help reduce impulse buying. 

About two-thirds of household waste in the United Kingdom is due to food spoilage. Using Mason jars for fruit, herbs, and some veggies can prolong their shelf life by up to a week! Storing food correctly can significantly reduce waste. 

Separating foods that produce more ethylene gas from those that don’t is another strategic way to reduce food waste. For example, keep your bananas, avocados, tomatoes, peaches, pears, and green onions away from your potatoes, apples, leafy greens, berries, and peppers. 

Don’t be afraid to shop for the “perfectly imperfect” produce. Most shoppers usually pass up those “ugly” fruits and veggies, but they’re just as tasty! The consumer demand for beautiful fruits and veggies has led many grocery stores to waste perfectly good food. 

Keeping your fridge clutter-free can significantly reduce food waste. When everything is organized, and you know what you have, you can eat all your food before it goes bad (and you won’t discover that suspicious container of unidentifiable leftovers tucked away). 

6. Consider composting

Organic waste in landfills generates methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas. By choosing to compost your food waste and other organic matter you can help reduce methane emissions. Plus, compost can be a great way to improve soil conditions and eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers. 

Backyard composting might sound intimidating, but with easy solutions like the SubPod, you can start composting in no time! SubPod is on a mission to make composting accessible and achievable for everyone. Their clever below-ground design means your yard won’t smell like compost and your neighbors won’t complain. 

7. Avoid palm oil products

Palm oil is essentially a cheap vegetable oil that is in nearly everything. Everything from pizza crust to lipstick can contain palm oil. By some estimates, palm oil is in nearly 50% of the packaged products we find in grocery stores. 

Palm oil production leads to habitat destruction and deforestation, mainly in southeast Asia. As demand for the oil rises, farmers cultivate more land. The habitats destroyed frequently contain endangered species or serve as wildlife corridors that allow animals to travel between areas to maintain genetic diversity. 

While it might feel impossible to avoid all products that contain palm oil, making small changes is significant. Most prepackaged snack foods contain palm oil. One easy way to make a difference this year is to give up one packaged snack food and opt for a natural or fresher option. 

8. Go paperless

This one might seem overly simplistic, but consider how many bills and junk mailers you get in the mail per week. All of that clutter takes up space in your home, takes time to sort, and is terrible for the environment. Save yourself time and de-clutter your house by going paperless! Opt into online billing. 

To reduce the number of pre-approved credit card offerings you receive, go to to opt into or out of offers from credit and insurance providers. You can head to to reduce the number of unwanted catalogs and mailers in your mailbox. 

Not only will you be helping the planet, but you’ll also appreciate having less junk mail cluttering up your home!


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